Vaping Tips for Winter

Cold weather might impact your vaping experience. Learn top vaping tips for winter, from how to look after a device to how to ensure it’s clean after suffering from winter ills and chills.
As the weather starts to cool, winter temperatures could bring a degree of uncertainty for 18+ vapers. Manufacturers generally recommend keeping your device out of the cold so to bring you peace of mind, we’ve collated several winter vaping tips to help you enjoy your device.
How to Look After Your VEEV ONE Device in Winter
Let’s start with some of the ways you can care for your VEEV ONE vape in colder weather. Start by following the manufacturer’s guidance to keep your device in its best condition – here are some other tips to keep in mind:
Do not leave your VEEV ONE device outdoors. VEEV ONE does not have any IPX rating unlike a lot of popular mobile phones. It’s important to keep this in mind when outdoors, near water or on a ski field because VEEV ONE is not rated for any water ingress protection. If possible, keep the vape device at room temperature to avoid extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. If you can’t, then a reputable drybag is recommended. This will at least keep your VEEV ONE device and pods dry outdoors as condensation and moisture could cause damage.
Taking care to keep your VEEV ONE battery charged in colder weather is arguably one of our most important vaping tips. For example, batteries hold less charge when exposed to cold temperatures, which is something to remember if outdoors in alpine environments. This is where a reputable power bank together with the VEEV ONE cable is a good idea to ensure you can vape when you need to.
What Temperatures Do Vapes Freeze At?
If you’re wondering whether VEEV ONE pods freeze, the answer is yes. As an e-cigarette, VEEV ONE pods contain liquids that could freeze. Pay close attention to your e-liquid’s ingredients, which will freeze at different temperatures. Fortunately, these temperatures are usually very low.
To explore the temperature at which vapes freeze, we need to evaluate the different freezing points of common e-liquid ingredients.
- Water (present in many e-liquids) freezes at 0° C or below
- Vegetable Glycerine (VG) is another common e-liquid ingredient, and one that manufacturers often mix with PG. Pure VG e-liquids usually freeze at -38° C
Except for water, these common ingredients feature low freezing temperatures, meaning it’s unlikely that an e-liquid or VEEV ONE pod will freeze if the temperature is above -38° C. Furthermore, with many household freezer manufacturers recommending a temperature setting of -18° C, e-liquid is also unlikely to solidify in a freezer. Saying that, storing your VEEV ONE pods in a freezer isn’t recommended.
It is important to note that more extreme temperatures could cause vapes and their e-liquid to freeze. Should your vape freeze, contact us for advice on what to do. Avoid using your device until you receive reputable recommendations and vaping tips.
Can Cold Weather Cause VEEV ONE Devices and Pods to Leak?
While freezing may be rare, cold weather could result in a leaking VEEV ONE device or pod. There may be a greater risk for adult vapers who own a device with a glass tank compared to those whose tank is made of another material, such as plastic. That’s because glass is known to contract when exposed to colder temperatures. As the glass tank expands, it’s more likely to leak e-liquid.
As an adult vaper, device faults aren’t the only thing you need to consider in winter. Colds are more common in winter than any other time of year, and they could affect your vaping experience. Read on to discover vaping tips for when you have a cold.
From how to care for your VEEV ONE device and battery in the cold to learning about freezing temperatures of VEEV ONE pods, we hope these vaping tips will help you continue to enjoy your experience throughout the winter season. If you still feel unsure of how to properly care for your vape in the winter, don’t hesitate to contact us.
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Smokefree products are not risk-free and provide nicotine, which is addictive. The best decision any adult smoker can make is to quit tobacco and nicotine use altogether. Smoke-free products are not alternatives to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids.
This article is for general information and educational purposes. Some of the information in this article is based on external, third-party sources and we make no representations or warranties of any kind regarding the accuracy, validity, or completeness of such information.