The smell of cigarettes compared to e-Cigarettes and Heat Not Burn vaping.
Do vapes smell? And if so, how long does the vape smell last?
Smell is very much in the nose of the beholder and any 18+ smoker considering the switch from cigarettes will want to know what e-cigarette and heat not burn smell like.
In cigarettes, it is the burning (combustion) that gives off that unmistakable but nasty cigarette smell that gets into everything. Cigarette smoke contains around 6,000 chemicals and solid carbon particles that leaves behind something any smoker knows: residue. E-cigarettes and heat not burn vapes, on the other hand, produce smells from ingredients and flavourings. E-cigarettes use e-liquids that come in a range of flavours from fruits to traditional mint. The smell mirrors the flavour vaped. As for heat not burn vaping, it uses specially prepared sticks made from plants of the genus Nicotiana, which are made to be heated and not burned. With heat not burn vapes, the experience may be familiar to 18+ smokers but the smell is far less intense and doesn’t produce any residue that gets into your hands, your hair and your clothes. It stops people from smelling like an ashtray.
In e-cigarette vapes, the smell comes from a range of e-liquid flavours that produce a vapour when heated, and it’s the vapour you smell. If an e-liquid pod contains mint flavouring it tastes like mint when vaped, with that flavour also likely to be smelled.
In heat not burn products, the smell comes from specially prepared sticks for vaping made from plants of the genus Nicotiana. These produce a vapour, like e-cigarettes, that has no pungent and lingering smoke as cigarettes produce. That’s because the stick is heated to a precise temperature where a vapour is produced and not burnt to produce smoke. Like with e-cigarettes, the smell may be familiar but is far less pungent than smoke. Being a vapour, it quickly dissipates when finished too, without getting into everything as smoke does.
When selecting a smokefree alternative, aroma isn’t the only thing to think about. How long these smells last is another thing smokers may consider before switching. Stay tuned for our next blog post to learn more!