Does e-liquid vaping smell?
Importantly, you cannot vape indoors at workplaces, restaurants, licensed premises, hospitals, schools and early childhood centers (including outdoors). You can vape inside specialist vape retailers such as IQVape, Shosha and Cosmic. It's always polite to ask permission when visiting friends of families.
Vapes produce vapour, not smoke. The vapour does have a slight smell, but this smell will generally reflect the e-liquid used. For example, when an 18+ user vapes with a strawberry e-liquid, the vapour produced will likely have a strawberry aroma.
Generally, the vapour produced won’t be too unpleasant to smell, but sometimes there can be a more unpleasant odour if there’s an issue with the device. For example, if your device’s coil is burnt, there will likely be a burnt smell (and a bad taste) when you use the device. Similarly, if your vape hasn’t been cleaned or properly cared for it can affect the overall smell.
How long does a vaping smell linger?
The smell of a vape won’t linger nearly as long as the smell of cigarettes.
Vapour is produced through converting a liquid to a gas, while the latter is produced through combustion.
Vapour isn’t as dense as cigarette smoke, so it tends to not last as long, even in particularly well-ventilated areas. The particles are different: cigarette smoke contains less volatile and more stable particles which linger longer. In contrast, the particles in vapour don’t linger as much – vapour might smell, but it won’t last long.
Will vaping leave a permanent smell in the house?
Simply put, no – it shouldn’t. Unlike cigarette smoke. The smell of which can be tricky to remove, vaping shouldn’t leave a permanent smell.
However, the smell from vaping can linger for longer than you might like sometimes, depending on a handful of factors. Fortunately, there are ways to speed up the process and get rid of the vape smell, which we’ll explain below.
How to get rid of a vape smell quicker:
There are some simple ways to get help in getting rid of the vape smell.
Ensure better ventilation
To help prevent the vaping smell from lingering, it’s important to keep air moving around in the area you’re using your vape. Opening a window is a good option, as is running a fan.
Use lighter vape flavours
Some e-liquid flavours are stronger than others, and some will smell more pleasant than others. Hence, it can be a good idea to choose a light and fresh e-liquid. This way, even if the smell does linger, it might not be as much of an issue.
Use an air purifier
Air purifiers can help to neutralise the smell of vapour. They differ from fans in that they not only move air around but also filter the air and remove odours, so they can certainly come in handy when you want to prevent smells from lingering.