To enter this website, please confirm that you are an 18+ smoker/vaper AND an existing IQOS customer.


You must be 18 or over to access materials on this site

We Care

To purchase products from this website, you need to provide hard age verification you are 18+.

Our e-liquid and heated tobacco vaping products are not an alternative to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids. They are not risk-free and contain nicotine, which is a highly addictive substance. No sale to persons under the age of 18.
For more information read our Privacy Policy.

Find Your Nearest IQOS Retailer

IQOS Reseller

  • Retail store pinBP Connect Tauranga

    11 Taurikura Drive, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinShosha Tauranga

    371 Ceron Road, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinShosha Bethlehem

    245 State Highway 2, Bethlehem, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinShosha Mt Maunganui

    1/194 Maunganui Road, Mount Maunganui, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinBureta Superette

    20 Bureta Road, Bureta, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinBP Connect Tauriko

    1 Taurikura Drive, Tauriko, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinMobil Brookfield

    146 Otumoetai Roadbrookfield, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinMobil Causeway

    60 Chapel Streetotumoetai, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinMobil 10Th Avenue

    490 Cameron Road, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinPapamoa Countdown

    Papamoa Plaza, 7 Gravatt Road, Papamoa Beach, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinBethlehem Countdown

    19 Bethlehem Road, Bethlehem, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinBureta Park Countdown

    44/50 Bureta Road, Otumoetai, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinTauranga Countdown

    618 Cameron Road, Tauranga South, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinFraser Cove Countdown

    229-233 Fraser Street,Fraser Cove Shopping Centre, Tauranga South, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinGreerton Countdown

    1368 Cameron Road, Greerton, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinTe Puke Countdown

    Cnr Queen &, Boucher Avenue, Te Puke, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinVapeshed Tauranga

    427 Cameron Road, Tauranga
  • Retail store pinShosha Greerton

    3/196 Chadwick Road, Tauranga